Florentine Biscuit Sandwich

Believe it or not, sometimes we just cook because we are hungry. No underlying motive or thought out plan of execution. Just a simple meal. I know, crazy, right?! Honestly though, that is really how the best things happen. This is one of those recipes. Something just whipped up one Sunday morning without much thought. It wasn't until we found ourselves still talking about it days later that we became thankful that it has just become routine for us to write down recipes as we make them.

Make no mistake, these are not fancy. Just super easy, straightforward, get on with your day type food. Oh, and really delicious. So, make some, then go on about your day.

Florentine Biscuit Sandwich     

  •  your favorite biscuits, homemade or otherwise
  • good quality ham or proscuitto   
  • parmesan, optional
  • 1/3 cup diced onion 
  •  1 cup cherry tomato, halved 
  •  1 cup chopped fresh spinach 
  • 4 eggs 
  •  4 Tb. milk 
  • 1 tsp kosher salt
Preheat oven to 450 degrees.
In a small saute pan, cook onion with a small amount of butter or oil over med. heat until translucent and soft. Remove and let cool slightly. In a medium sized bowl combine eggs, milk and salt, mix until just combined, add in remaining ingredients.    

Pour into jelly roll pan or cookie sheet with lip. ** We used a 9 x13 which made for quick cooking time, but a thin layer of egg.  We doubled (or maybe tripled ) what we used on the sandwich.  If you use a smaller pan, you will end up with a thicker layer of egg but cooking time will vary.

Bake for 5-7 minutes or until center of eggs are set.  Cool slightly and cut into squares or use a biscuit cutter.  Make up your breakfast sandwich.  Enjoy.



  1. AbbyNovember 15, 2012 at 2:37 PM

    Needs bacon and avocado! Seriously though, you could put anything on a buttered biscuit and I'd probably eat it.


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