tomatoes that are fried, and also green.

  They are out there. Taunting us. A million tomatoes and only a few here and there have turned.  We are talking green tomatoes.  As previously mentioned, we take our tomatoes pretty seriously 'round these parts, so if we are going to sacrifice a beautiful, ripe tomato, it had better be good.  

 There are many different things you can do with green tomatoes.  You can pickle 'em, make chow-chow, jam, mince meat, chutney and fry them.  The latter is our favorite.  During peak tomato season, J and I have been known to have fried green tomatoes in lieu of a meal. We both grew up eating them and look forward to this time of summer (mostly summer's end) when we get to enjoy a favorite food.  

This a no fuss recipe.  Sort of a modified version of the way grandma did it (grannies don't use measuring cups) and we wouldn't change a thing.  Enjoy.

 Fried Green Tomatoes

Green tomatoes (we used a few different varieties)  // 2 eggs // 1/2 cup flour // 1 cup corn meal //
1 1/2 teaspoons salt, plus additional for sprinkling after fried // 1 teaspoon paprika // freshly ground pepper // oil for frying

Slice tomatoes about 1/4 inch thick (since they are firm you want them to cook all the way through).
Combine flour, corn meal, salt, paprika and pepper in a shallow bowl or baking dish.  Whisk together.
In a separate dish, beat the two eggs.
In heavy bottom frying pan (cast iron is preferable)  heat 1-1/2 inches of oil to 350 degrees.
Meanwhile, dip tomatoes first in the egg and then in corn meal flour.  Tap off excess and fry, on each side until golden brown.  Drain on paper towels and sprinkle with kosher salt.  Repeat with remaining tomatoes.  Serve warm.

** We think these are best eaten with green Tabasco, but any hot sauce will do.


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