Garden Rolls

We eat a lot of variations of the spring roll all year long.  This time of year is especially great, because of  the bounty of our garden and the variety of produce at our local farmer's market.  Garden rolls are easy, tasty, and pretty darn healthy.   If you have never tried your hand at making them, you should give it a try.

Garden Rolls

7 oz. thin rice noodles // 1 fennel bulb, julienned // 8-10 red radish or 1 medium daikon, julienned // 1 avocado, thinly sliced // 3-4  carrots, julienned // 1 cup raw almonds, chopped // 1 bunch cilantro  
( Not into cilantro? Leave it out. There are no rules.) // 4-6 Cups Escarole. Chiffonade. (Chill out, it’s just rolling it up and cutting it into ribbons.) //  Spring roll wrappers

    1. Bring water to a boil in large saucepan. Add rice noodles. Turn off heat and wait 10 minutes. Rinse under cold water.
    2. One at a time, soak wrappers in warm water for about 25-30 sec. until pliable. I usually use a large skillet with about 1/4″ of water in it. Keeping them flat is key.
    3. To assemble, follow standard burrito procedure. Place a small amount of each ingredient in the center, then fold from the front about 1/3 to middle. Fold in the sides and continue to roll until a tasty cylinder of salad goodness is formed.
    4. Repeat until you are sick of doing it, or until you’ve run out of stuff.
    5. Serve with Dipping sauce.

    Dipping Sauce 

     2 tsp. Sugar  //2 tsp. fish sauce // 2 Tb. Soy Sauce // 2 Tb. rice vinegar (unseasoned) // 1/2 tsp. Sriracha chili sauce (start with 1/4 tsp. if spicy isn’t your thing. add more if you like it hot) //juice of 1 medium lime
      Mix all ingredients until combined, and sugar is dissolved.

      * As with most of my recipes, improvisation is highly encouraged. Which makes sense, because that is how most of them came to be.
      ** Omit fish sauce for a totally veggie meal.
      *** Skip the wrapping part and serve this as a Salad if you are pressed for time.


      1. Bird and CleaverAugust 16, 2012 at 3:06 PM

        You guys need to open up a restaurant. All of your food looks amazing. I'm not a very adventurous eater either. If you can make me want to eat something new then you must be doing something right!

      2. Bird and CleaverAugust 16, 2012 at 10:36 PM

        Oh, my! Where has this blog been all my life? I just stumbled upon you folks while searching for an Israeli couscous recipe and now am hooked. And the couscous, kale, currant etc. salad was fantastic! Thanks a million.

      3. Bird and CleaverAugust 17, 2012 at 8:30 AM

        Abby, that is the plan! We just need to stumble across some money first :).

      4. Bird and CleaverAugust 17, 2012 at 8:31 AM

        Paula, so nice to hear! Thanks for reading :)

      5. Bird and CleaverAugust 19, 2012 at 7:30 PM

        I've actually got a few books on how to receive grants to start a small business. I'll have to dig them out and see if there's anything in them that would be useful to you guys!

      6. Bird and CleaverAugust 19, 2012 at 7:40 PM

        That would be awesome! Thanks, Abby :)


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