chorizo rolls.

Not really much to tell here. We like little munchie food. To us, this recipe is perfect for any of our late night snacking sessions. Or any other time of day.

Fresh bread
Melty cheese
Salty cured meaty goodness

Pretty much sums it up.

Enjoy. We did.


1/2 cup warm water // 1/2 cup warm milk // 1/3 cup butter // 1 egg // 1/4 cup sugar // 1 teaspoon salt // 2 1/4 teaspoons active dry yeast // 3 3/4 cups AP flour 
cured meat, cut into bite sized pieces // mozzarella, bite sized pieces

Combine water and yeast.  Set aside for 5-10 minutes, until foamy.  In the meantime, heat milk to a simmer in small sauce pan.  Remove from heat and add butter.  When mixture is barely warm, add beaten egg. 

Put all ingredients in stand mixer fitted with a dough hook. (including water /yeast and milk/butter/egg mixtures).  Mix on low speed until dough comes together, then increase speed to medium and mix for about five minutes.  Dough should be smooth and elastic.

Put the dough in an oiled bowl and cover with plastic wrap.  Allow dough to rise until doubled in size. This usually takes about an hour.  Punch dough down and allow to rise again.

Remove dough from bowl, punch down and portion into 1 oz pieces.  Roll pieces into balls.  Place a piece of meat and cheese in the bottom and pinch close.  Repeat with all remaining dough.

Preheat oven to 350.
Put rolls on baking sheet, cover and let rise for 45 minutes, or until rolls are light and springy.
Bake for 18-22 minutes or until rolls are golden brown.  
Brush with garlic infused oil, dip em' in your favorite marinara sauce or eat straight from the pan.  Try not to burn yourself.


    1. Bird and CleaverAugust 10, 2012 at 10:28 AM

      These look great. Where do y'all find Spanish chorizo around here?

    2. Bird and CleaverAugust 10, 2012 at 8:01 PM

      This particular one was a gift. We have seen them around. Try Fresh Market, or you could always order online.


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