Veggie Banh Mi With Crispy Tofu

 We love a good sandwich in this house, and the Banh mi is definitely one of our favorites. Since there are so many variations of it we almost always have everything on hand to make some version of them. By using a method normally reserved for chicken and green tomatoes, we were able to make tofu that was a tasty substitute for whatever porky something or other we would normally fill it with. And it was good, really good.

Crispy Tofu

 1 cup buttermilk* // 1 tsp. salt // 1/2 tsp. garlic powder // 1 tsp paprika // 1 1/2 cups flour // 1 1/2 tsp. salt // 1 tsp. garlic powder //1-2 packages extra firm tofu // oil for frying

Combine first 4 ingredients in 1 bowl, in another combine the remaining flour, salt and garlic powder.
Slice tofu into 1/2" pieces and lay out on towels. Dry thoroughly. Heat 1/2" oil in high walled pan to about 350-375. Dip tofu into buttermilk mixture and then roll in seasoned flour. Fry in batches until tofu is golden brown all over. Flipping once. Season with additional salt immediately after removing from pan and drain on paper towels.

*Vegan substitute. 1 cup non dairy milk // 1 Tb. acid (cider vinegar, lemon juice, etc.) Mix together, let sit 5-10 min,


Baguettes (the fresher, the better) // Veggies (any combination, or all) // Chili pepper // Carrot // Daikon or other radish // Romaine // Cucumber // Cilantro // 


2/3 cup Rice wine vinegar // 1 Tb. Mirin // 1 Tb. Sugar // 1 Tb. Salt

Combine ingredients in saucepan over medium high heat. Stir until salt and sugar is dissolved.
(Coincidentally, this is also our recipe for sushi vinegar. Just in case you needed one.)

Mayo // Fish Sauce // Sriracha // Rice Vinegar

Toss veggies (except romaine and cilantro, if using) with vinegar mixture to taste, let sit 10- 15 min. Slice the the baguette into desired size. Smear on desired condiment and stack tofu and veggies as high as you wish. Stuff it in your face.

**Don't forget to enter the Shabby Apple giveaway!


  1. Bird and CleaverJuly 30, 2012 at 12:53 PM

    I'm so making this!!

  2. Bird and CleaverJuly 30, 2012 at 12:53 PM

     I love that you referenced Kramer.  I am pretty sure the Cheesebrew household needs a neighbor to pop in unexpectedly all the time.  It would make us complete :). 

  3. Bird and CleaverJuly 30, 2012 at 12:53 PM

    I've decided that I'm going to move next door to you guys, and be like Kramer from Seinfeld and show up for every meal. Everything you make looks delicious! Oh, and then there are the perks of Finn's pool ;)


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