Bourbon // Black Tea Cocktail

 Around here, the beginning of summer calls for a lot of quick and easy solutions. It is either too damn hot, or we are having way too much fun to slow down to make much of a fuss over anything. So, we improvise. We make due with whats on hand. Most of the time, it works.

Using what you have on hand is definitely easier when there is an abundance of things growing right outside your backdoor. Along with iced tea (when we remember to make it) there is never a shortage of mint. In fact, I am certain that if I stop picking it for a week or so, it may take over the entire backyard. Anyone want to buy a lawnmower? I have cocktails to consume.  Cocktails like this one.

 Bourbon and Black Tea Cocktail

2oz. Bourbon // 1 1/2 Tb. Honey // 2 mint sprigs // Strong Black tea // Lots o' ice

Combine Bourbon, honey and mint in large glass. Muddle together until mint is fragrant and honey is incorporated. Strain into rocks glass filled with ice. Fill the rest of the way with tea. Stir to combine.




  1. Bird and CleaverJuly 30, 2012 at 12:54 PM

    i like to do bourbon & unsweetened green tea, with nothing else (maybe a little bitters and/or soda)


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