Roasted Fingerlings and Cauliflower with Tahini dressing.

I often go to the store with the sole intention of purchasing dinner, only to find when I get there, I have absolutely no idea what I'm actually going to buy. And that, was the birth of this dish. I had that brief moment of panic when I realized L was at work and I could not call her for a quick consult. I decided I would surprise her with a special dish just for her (with no help or hints on what she wanted). I had a few guidelines to work with:

No meat - 90% of the time, this is her preference.
Cheap - Because........
Something different - Because it is still technically winter, and were all in a rut. Pick me ups are always welcome.

 Pretty simple.
 She loved it.
I win!
Here it is.

 Roasted Fingerlings and Cauliflower with Tahini dressing.

1 1/2# Fingerling potatoes // 1 Medium head cauliflower // 1/2 White onion, small dice // 3 Garlic cloves, minced // 1 Serrano chili, sliced thin // 2 Tb. Toasted sesame seeds.

 Heat oven to 425°. Chop cauliflower into pieces similarly sized to fingerlings. Toss potatoes and cauliflower with olive oil and a pinch of kosher salt. Roast in oven until potatoes are cooked through ad cauliflower begin to brown, about 30 min. Saute onion, garlic and chili in olive oil until soft. Toss all vegetables with 1/2 dressing and sesame seeds, add additional dressing to taste. Serve with brown rice (or whatever rice you want). Garnish with cilantro and hot chili sauce (if you roll like that).

Tahini Dressing

2 Tb. Tahini // Juice of 1/2 lemon // 1 Tb. soy sauce // 1Tb. olive oil // 1/2 tsp. cumin.

Whisk all ingredients together in small bowl, until combined.



  1. Erin + JeannineMarch 14, 2012 at 9:01 AM

    YUM. your food photography is beautiful!

  2. Bird and CleaverMarch 14, 2012 at 9:29 PM

    Thanks guys. It took a long time before Lindsay turned me loose and let me use the camera all by myself. She says I graduated, so thanks for noticing

  3. SundayMarch 16, 2012 at 4:41 PM

    I am so excited that I found your blog! I had no idea that two of my favorite IG'ers had blogs too!

    BTW...I just tried to eat my laptop after looking at these recipes.

  4. Bird and CleaverMarch 16, 2012 at 6:28 PM

    Yay. We're so glad you found us too! We both love reading your blog, your perspective is always really refreshing. Thanks for checking us out!


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